Our new TimmerHaus Belgium location is up and running
Our new TimmerHaus office location - what is there not to like
Behind the scenes at TimmerHaus
‘Busy in the background’ is something that resonates perfectly with Eleanor Martin, Director of Operations & Creative at TimmerHaus.
What is Inclusive Decision Making?
I was recently invited to share a keynote on ‘Inclusive Decision-Making’, and I thought I would share a summary here.
"The gross discomfort I experienced about the extensive range of social media content surrounding IWD this year stemmed from how diluted some of these core messages have become….”
Series 1: STORIES FROM SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE - The power of Mentoring & Coaching.
We have all heard the phrase “Show me who you ‘hang’ with, and I’ll tell you who you are!”
At TimmerHaus, we love the idea that our authentic professional image is seeded in relationships that share our strong values and common aspirations.
We are proud to introduce Tara Fernandez y Mendez our Leadership Development Creative Director.
With learning and development at the heart of all we do, it is always a cause for celebration when we can share academic achievements from within our own consulting community at TimmerHaus.
With learning and development at the heart of all we do, it is always a cause for celebration when we can share academic achievements from within our own consulting community at TimmerHaus.
In an interview with Anna Nardini, she shares her experience of the course and why it was such an important goal for her to achieve
Hear how Ben Finbow’s passion led him to join Durham University’s Solar Car project
A good news story from one of our Team Members at TimmerHaus. Hear how Ben Finbow’s passion led him to join Durham University’s Solar Car project.
Happy Monday!
He’s back to the TimmerHaus Blog by popular demand
Archie’s capers remain a constant source of delight, and we felt it was already overdue to share an update on his puppy progress and enchant you further.